What I'm Learning about Life
Today's blog post will be different from all the other ones thus far. This blog is mostly about fashion but also many other things. It's where I share outfits, makeup, and what I'm learning in this crazy world.

It's coming to that crazy time of year in a college student's life, the part NO one looks forward to, FINALS. Between that, trying to have a social life outside of mounds of homework and studying, keeping up with a job, and lets be honest, actually getting some sleep, life can be ridiculously hard.It's like trying to speak another language with no resources some days, if we're being honest.
Looking at the list of to-do's in daunting. Besides, society ranks good grades with how smart we are, when really in reality, most of the time it's all about how much time and effort you put into the work given. Don't get me wrong, some classes are just so difficult they seem utterly impossible to pass, and it's true, some of them are. My parents always told me, "you get out of the work what you put in". It never really made sense until I started college and pushed myself hard in my freshman year (and still to this day) to 1. have good grades, 2. make my parents proud (even though they already were/are), and 3. prove to myself that I could accomplish college and do it to the best of my ability.
So in this season of life I'm learning. I'm learning that it's okay not to have everything together as long as you're trying your best. The mental breakdowns and the times that you don't feel good enough will still come and go but ultimately it's how you react to them when/and after they happen that matters.Remember that your worth isn't positioned in earthly things. It's not found in your grades, how you look, your job, etc.
My encouragement to everyone today no matter what you're going through today is that you would always keep your head up no matter how hard it is.Forward is forward no matter how fast or slow you are moving. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. I am a firm believer that prayer changes things. Maybe not exactly when you want it to change but Jesus always knows the right time because he's already walked through the situation. Sometimes things fall apart so other things can come to fruition. Either way, you woke up today, you're breathing, and there's so many things to be thankful for.