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New Years Resolutions? Ideas?

Happy New Year y'all! It's been a whirlwind the past month and I apologize for being absent on here. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and made some fun memories with your families. I sure did! With the beginning of the new year, everyone seems to either have a resolution that they try to commit to for the following year or no resolution at all. Some people believe they're almost like a gimmick.... which is totally fine. Everyone has their own opinion!


So let's talk resolutions. Do you have one already implemented? Maybe you're continuing one from last year? Maybe you haven't thought of the "perfect" one yet? I did a little bit of researching to see what others have been trying to/ or implenting for years. As you can imagine, working out or trying to lose weight was at the top of all the lists. But what about..... choosing to put others first this year or choosing to spend more time with your family instead of everyone always going ten directions. Let's see... maybe stop procrastinating or try to decrease it atleast with homework, work, or anything else you have tried to accomplish but pushed off "until another time". Maybe you have a resolution to start loving yourself for who you are and not picking out the so called flaws... or maybe you want to learn to do something such as a speak a new language, a new hobby, how to cook, etc. The possibilities are endless which is one of my favorite things about resolutions.

My resolution(s) this year is to work on my blog more and try to post consistently. Also, to work on me. That's kind of odd to hear right? or maybe you think to yourself where do I even begin? Well, those are all the thoughts running through my head. I have never been good at accepting compliments and I don't mean that in a self-centered way. I, as I'm sure many people do, struggle with just saying "Thank you!". It's hard but this year I'm choosing to work on that and a few other things that are more personal. Some are small goals and others are a bit bigger.

I'd love to here from y'all. What are your new years resolutions? If you don't do resolutions, is there something that you have been or want to work on this year? Feel free to comment on our Facebook page @fashionddw, on instagram @fashionddw, or this post below! I'd absolutely love to hear from you.

Thanks for following along! ~ Lakin

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