How-To: Purge Your Closet

Is your closet busting at the seams? Do you have multiple closets just to fit all of your clothes in? I have to be honest, I'm a minimalist. I don't hold onto very many things. If I haven't worn a piece of clothing in a few months, I generally will get rid of it. I know this isn't the case for everyone so I will share some tips I learned along the way when it comes to organizing. I know this can be overwhelming, so let's take it step by step.
1. Take EVERYTHING out of your closet and dressers. Once you see the amount of clothing you have, this can sometimes make purging easier. With each piece that you put back in your closet/drawers ask yourself, do you love it? Think of this as a big fast or detox. Getting rid of things that aren't "good" anymore.
2. Some people like to use the box/bag system. You know the keep, donate, and trash system. This works great with purging... if you follow through. (;
3. Turn all your hangers backwards at the beginning of the year, when you where the item, turn the hanger around. This way, at the end of the year, you are able to see what you have worn and what has been hanging. If it's still backwards at the end of the year, you don't need it!
4. If you have things that aren't on hangers and are laying in piles somewhere in your closet, I recommend baskets. This can help spruce up your closet by adding a little bit of style and/or color while making it easier to see what you have. This can also cut down on how many of one category you might have. When the basket is full, you know that it's either time to clean out or stop buying!
5. While working in a consignment shop, I have learned that people love to have multiple different sizes in their closet in case they go up or down in size(s). The only thing is, clothing styles change very quickly and often.(Yes, most styles come back around, BUT they generally come back with a twist.) I recommend only keeping one, or at the very most, two size differences from what you wear currently. If you're keeping more than two sizes, it's probably time to clean out.
6. If you have shoes that are terribly uncomfortable, they most likely need to go. I know this is hard! Find a local consignment shop or rescue mission to donate your unwanted things. We've all heard the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." If your items still have a good amount of "wear" left in them, donate or consign them. This can help with the separation of your favorite things by knowing someone else will also get to enjoy them.
Next time you go on a shopping spree remember that for pieces you bring into your closet, that many pieces need to be removed from your closet. Following this method can drastically cut down the clutter and can be less overwhelming when choosing an outfit.
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