A Quick and Easy Look for the Busy Mom!
Hi there everyone! I just wanted to take a moment and give ya'll a HUGE thank you for getting this blog to 100+ likes! We're so blessed! This week is focused on a super simple look for the busy mom that is running the kids to sports practices, cooking dinner, working, and trying to get herself out the door as well as everyone else! Sometimes you just forget to take care of yourself when you get preoccupied with so many other things throughout your daily life. Here is a 4 step look that will keep up with a busy lifestyle!

When beginning this look, keep in mind that it is all about simple beauty. This is by far the most casual look that I have come up with and it truthfully works on anyone! I do this when I am in a rush to get out the door, so that I still have some makeup on.
Step 1: Begins with using your favorite concealer and just hiding those pesky blemishes or problem areas. This will even out your skin tone without a heavy foundation. Once you have evened out your concealer, you can then move right onto eyeshadow!
Step 2: When doing your eyeshadow, you can use just about any neutral color. However, I usually choose gold and taupe tones to brighten my eyes. Which is why I choose to use my Naked 2 palette (This palette has many alternatives that work just as well, and the blog post for comparison between drug store makeup and higher end makeup is coming soon!). Using the colors "Half Baked" and "Chopper" simply put that on your lid using a flat eyeshadow brush. This will bring some color to your eyes!
Step 3: Your eyeliner is up next! For this look, a very thin, simplistic line is the best option.
Step 4: To complete this look, you will need your favorite mascara! Give yourself a few coats and TADA! You're Done!

The Finished Look!

I hope you find this a helpful guide so that even in the busiest of moments, you can still find a little time for yourself! Up next is the last color-based Tips and Tricks! This time, it's all about brown eyes!
"Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!"(Author Unkown)
~ Sierra